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Hi, I am Deepika, a postdoctoral research fellow at Stockholm University in the department of Computer and System Sciences. I work in the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) with Dr. Airi Lampinen and Dr.  Madeline Balaam as my advisors. I am a Digital Futures fellow, recipient of Honorable Mention for ACM India 2022 Doctoral Dissertation Award,  and Grand Challenge Explorations Award from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

My interest is in designing and developing technologies for health and well-being with a specific inclination for women's health. My work has been diversifying from developing alternative mobile-based tools for the training and learning of village women health workers in India, popularly known as community health workers, to designing intimate technologies and investigating the use of intimate technologies. Intimate technologies are technologies that interact closely with the intimate body and/or which relate to intimate body processes such as digital contraceptives, breast pumps, insulin pumps, etc.

I am driven by a desire to design and develop technologies which better meet the needs and practices of people in their everyday lives and in doing so I apply participatory and user-centered design methods. I am also particularly interested in investigating the use of designed technologies in the real world and try to conduct field studies. During my Ph.D., I could test my developed system with 500 community health workers with the collaboraiton of NGOs and government partners

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to disrupt the way we deliver and experience healthcare, providing new solutions to personal and public health issues. One example of an AI technology already disrupting intimate health is our project partner, Natural Cycles. Natural Cycles provides an algorithmic contraceptive option to more than 700,000 users worldwide. It is a radical alternative to traditional biomedical and barrier methods of contraception.

Natural Cycles provides an excellent testbed for studying how trust is developed, experienced, and maintained between primary and secondary users as well as an algorithmic health service. Starting from the theoretical perspective that trust is socially situated and socially performed, we will study how the social context influences trust and use of this intimate digital health technology. We will complement this by developing interaction design mechanisms for layering social trust in digital health applications. We will both (1) study how things are currently, through an in-depth qualitative interview study, and (2) envision how they might be, through participatory design workshops and design engagements.



This study examines the experiences of working mothers who are lactating and expressing milk at their workplace. The study is guided by three research questions: (1) What organizational and co-worker support do working mothers receive during their workday? (2) What barriers or challenges do working lactating mothers experience in their workplace (3) How do working mothers who are, or have been, lactating and expressing milk during their workday experience organization/state policies related to lactation and breastmilk expression. We think that knowing the answers to these kinds of questions will help us better understand the care needs of lactating women and how an organization and co-workers might create a workplace culture to support a broad range of care needs for employees.

Currently, we are conducting an interview study and all mothers who exclusively pump or have pumped over two weeks at their workplace are welcome to participate.

You can register your interest to participate in this study here: .

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Invisibility or Visibility in Intimate Care at the Workplace? Examining the Use of Breast Pumps
Deepika Yadav, Madeline Balaam, Airi Lampinen
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2023
Hamburg, Germany


Imagining Caring Futures for Frontline Health Work

Azra Ismail, Deepika Yadav, Meghna Gupta, Kirti Dabas, Pushpendra Singh, Neha Kumar

Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6 (CSCW2), 1-30


Speculations on Feminist Reproductive Health Technologies

Lara Reime, Nadia Campo Woytuk, Joo Young Park, Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard, Deepika Yadav, Vasiliki Tsaknaki, Sarah Homewood

Adjunct Proceedings of the 2022 Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference


"Should I visit the clinic": Analyzing WhatsApp-mediated Online Health Support for Expectant and New Mothers in Rural India

Deepika Yadav, Kirti Dabas, Prerna Malik, Anushka Bhandari, Pushpendra Singh. 

ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2022

New Orleans, US 


Illustrating the Gaps and Needs in the Training Support of Community Health Workers in India

Deepika Yadav, Prerna Malik, Kirti Dabas, Pushpendra Singh. 

ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2021

Yokohama, Japan — May, 2021


LEAP: Scaffolding Collaborative Learning of Community Health Workers in India

Deepika Yadav, Anushka Bhandari, Pushpendra Singh

Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 3 (CSCW), 1-30

Feedpal:  Understanding  Opportunities  for  Chatbots  in  Breastfeeding  Education  of  Women  in  India

Deepika Yadav, Prerna Malik, Kirti Babas, Pushpendra Singh

Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 3 (CSCW), 1-30


Automatic Annotation of Voice Forum Content for Rural Users and Evaluation of Relevance

Deepika Yadav, Mayank Gupta, Malolan Chetlur, Pushpendra Singh

ACM  SIGCAS  Conference  on Computing  and  Sustainable  Societies (COMPASS), 2018


Sangoshthi: Empowering Community Health Workers through PeerLearning in Rural India.

Deepika Yadav, Pushpendra Singh, Vijay Kumar, Deepak Sood, Drishti Sharma, Mona Duggal, Kyle Montague, Delvin Varghese, Tom Bartindale, Madeline Balaam, Patrick Olivier. 

ACM  conference  companion  on  World Wide Web (WWW), 2017


A Real-Time IVR Platform for Community Radio.

Konstantinos Kazakos, Deepika Yadav, + 14 co-authors

ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2016

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